英会話無料体験レッスン無料体験レッスン 英会話無料体験レッスン無料体験レッスン







・get on/get off 乗り物(バスや電車に)乗る/降りる
I always get on the bus to work.

・get along with うまくやる、うまく対処していく
Maria gets along with her colleague.

・get back 戻る
My husband got back from his business trip to Osaka.

・get over (困難を)乗り越える、(病気などを)克服する
We can get over this together.

・get rid of 取り除く、処分する
Get rid of these old shoes.

・get carried away 調子にのる、図にのる、我を忘れる
I got carried away watching YouTube last night.
Don’t get carried away!

・get on one’s nerves ~をいらいらさせる
Samantha loves to talk to anyone. Sometimes her chatter really gets on my nerves.

・get off one’s chest 打ち明けてさっぱりする、胸のつかえをおろす
Kate felt a lot better when she finally talked to her mother and got the problem off her chest.

・get out of line 列を離れる、規則や習慣に従わない
Any employee who get out of line by coming to work in an unacceptable condition will be fired.


・take off 服を脱ぐ
Jim took off his jacket when he got on the bus.

・take one’s time いそがず時間をとる、自分のペースでゆっくり行う
No need to rush, take your time.

・take place 行われる、実行される
The regular meetings of the committee take place in the head office.

・take turns 交代で
We will take turns driving to Chicago.

・take for granted ~を当然のことと思う、おろそかにする
I took my health for granted until I got ill.

・take over 引き継ぐ、買収する
I’ll take over from here.

・take one at one’s word 信じる、真に受ける
You should be careful about taking her at her word.




Let‘s study English together.

