英会話無料体験レッスン無料体験レッスン 英会話無料体験レッスン無料体験レッスン

知っていると便利な表現・out of【イングリッシュビレッジ】



以前もブログでout ofについて書かせていただいたのですが、今回レッスンの中でout of the questionという表現が出てきました。聞いたらなんとなく意味はわかるけど、自分では使ったことがなかったなと思ったので、復習を兼ねてまたいくつかご紹介したいと思います。


Out of control 手がつけられない・手に負えない・制御不能
(out of handも同じような意味で使われます)
The car went out of control and hit the fence.
My son is getting out of control.


Out of date 時代遅れ・期限の切れた
This book can’t be ordered anymore because it is out of date.
My smartphone is out of date. I’m thinking of buying a new one.


Out of order 故障中
The elevator was out of order, so we had to walk to the tenth floor of the building.
This vending machine seems to be out of order.


Out of the question 問題にならない・不可能な・チャンスがない
Bob told Monica that it was out of the question for her to borrow his new car.
That is out of the question.
Traveling to the US is out of the question.


Out of touch 連絡をとらない・音信不通
Sara and I had been out of touch for years, but then suddenly she called me the other day.
She said she will be out of touch during her trip.


よく目にするout ofという表現【イングリッシュビレッジ】



This heat is out of hand but let’s enjoy summer in 2023!

