How are you?
-What did you specifically study as a science major student? What kind of animals interest you?
In university, I studied genetics. I learned all about how DNA works, and how it’s inherited. I’ve always been interested in animals, especially mammals. My favorite animal is the orca, because of how smart and social they are.
-In your country, are science major students good at foreign languages? What advice would you give to a science major student who struggles to learn English?
Science students in Canada don’t need to be good with foreign languages, because English is the language most commonly used by scientists around the world. My advice for a science major student struggling to learn English is to find something to read (or watch) related to the topics you’re interested in. Youtube, for example, is full of videos explaining scientific concepts in interesting, easy-to-understand ways. “Kurzgesagt” is one of my favorite channels for this. Documentaries like “March of the Penguins” and “Planet Earth” are great as well.
(カナダの理系の学生は、外国語に強くなくてもいいんです。世界中の科学者が最もよく使うのは英語ですから。英語に苦労している理系学生へのアドバイスとしては、自分が興味のある話題について読むもの(や見るもの)を何か見つけることです。たとえばYoutubeには、科学的なコンセプトをおもしろく、わかりやすく説明した動画がたくさんあります。”Kurzgesagt”は私が大好きなチャンネルのひとつです。”March of the Penguins” や”Planet Earth”などのドキュメンタリーもとてもいいですね。)
-Do you speak Japanese? If so, how proficient are you?
I’ve been studying Japanese for about 5 years, and I passed the N2 level of the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) test this summer. I’m fairly confident in my reading and listening skills, but still need more speaking practice.
-What Japanese food do you enjoy?
I like many kinds of Japanese food, but my favorites are sushi and tempura.
-Do you ever feel homesick?
I only rarely get homesick, and when I do it’s for American food! When that happens, I can go to an American restaurant, so it’s no problem.
I’m fairly confident in my reading and listening skills, but still need more speaking practice.
・be confident in …:~に自信がある
Have a great day!
#ネイティブ講師 #カナダ #英語講師 #ネイティブスピーカー #日本語勉強中 #理系講師