

Hi, イングリッシュビレッジ横浜校のAtsukoです。



今回は第二弾!!! これからの時期の散策におすすめのスポットのご紹介です。

There are many good places to see cherry blossom trees in Yokohama. I highly recommend walking along Ohoka river. It’s about 5 km long. Approximately 500 cherry trees are planted along the river and it’s getting popular as a cherry blossom viewing spot.


When you get off at Sakuragicho Station, there is a gondola station. The gondola takes you to World Porters which is one of the biggest shopping areas in Yokohama. When you get on Gondola, you can also see nice view of Yokohama from a different angle.


There is the Cup Noodle Museum in front of World Porters. You can make your own original cup noodle. You can choose ingredients and arrange the taste. You can paint the packaging. You can also learn the history of cup noodle in Japan. There are some activities for kids.


Behind the Cup Noodle Museum, there is a boardwalk that leads to the Hammerhead which is the cabin terminal. There are many restaurants and a hotel. It’s a very peaceful place and you can feel Yokohama! I like just sitting there, watching people running, watching people walking their dogs, gazing at the sea in a daze.

カップヌードルミュージアムの裏にはハンマーヘッドへ続く遊歩道があります。ハンマーヘッドは客船ターミナルで、レストランやホテルがあります。とても穏やかで横浜を感じられる場所です。 私は、ただ座り、走っている人や犬の散歩をしている人をみたり、ボーっと海を眺めているのが好きです。

DREAM DOOR YOKOHAMA HAMMERHEAD was open in 2021 October. You can have BBQ without having to bring anything.

2021年10月にはドリームドアというキャンプのできる施設もできました。手ぶらでバーベキューができるようです。(reopen 2022.3.19)

Minatomirai area is one of my favorite places in Japan. When someone comes to Japan or visits from somewhere out side of Kanto area, I’ll definitely take them to Minatomirai.



皆さんのおすすめスポットはどこでしょうか? 講師達にも是非おすすめの場所を教えてあげて下さいね。 時々、どこでもプランの方も横浜校へ足を運びレッスンを受けて下さいます。気候の良い時期なので、横浜方面へ来ることがあればスクールへも是非ご受講に来て下さいね♪

Have a great day.
