


①How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as calm, relaxed and friendly. I like to meet new people and have interesting experiences but at the same time, I also like to read books and study.

②You’ve mentioned that you like to workout, how do you maintain your body and any workout routine you can recommend?

A healthy body is just as important as a healthy mind, so I believe it’s important to stay active. We are all different and have different goals, therefore it is important to identify ‘why’ you want to train and develop a plan that best suits you. For example, if you like soccer, then some lower body strength training at the gym would be appropriate.

If you just want to lose a little weight before summer, then a combination of a high protein/low carb diet with some light jogging would be good.



③What was one of your most defining moments in life?

It’s difficult to narrow it down to just one moment. But if I have to choose, I would say reuniting my mother and grandmother. They live in different countries and hadn’t seen each other in over 10 years.

I arranged for my grandmother to stay with us for 2 weeks. They were both very happy and I still remember their tears and smiles. It taught me that family is the most important thing in the world.



④What do you feel most proud of?

Moving to Japan alone. It was very scary at first because I didn’t know much about Japan. But I knew I had to take a chance otherwise I’d regret not doing so.

A few years later and now I’m living independently and freely in Japan, thanks to the help and kindness of Japanese people.




⑤When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?

It depends where I am. If I’m at work I like to prepare for my next lessons and when that’s done, study Japanese or new teaching techniques.

If I’m at home, I eat!




⑥Lastly, how do you conduct your lessons? Do you have any recommendations for using textbooks for beginner, intermediate and advanced students?

I utilize a variety of techniques depending on the students level and personality. One thing I keep consistent is patience and STT (student talking time).

In order for a student to become fluent in a second language, the teacher should act as a guide to help increase the student’s output.

Instead of talking AT the student, I try to talk TO them. This creates a natural environment they can learn and feel comfortable in.

レッスンはその生徒様の英語レベルや性格によって教え方を変えています。唯一かかせない事と言えば忍耐力とStudent Talking Time (生徒が話す時間をいかにして増やすか)です。




My textbook recommendations:

Beginner: Side by side 1/2, All Talk 1, Let’s Talk About It

Intermediate: Let’s Talk About It, Impact Issues 1/2, Can You Believe It 1/2, Breaking News English (easier)

Advanced: Impact Issues 3, Can you believe it 3, Breaking News English (easier/harder)

Business: Communicating in Business English, Business Vocabulary in Use (intermediate), role play situations



初心者向け:Side by Side 1&2、All Talk 1、Let’s Talk About It

中級者向け:Let’s Talk About It、Impact Issue 1&2、Can You Believe It 1&2、Breaking News English (Easier)

上級者向け:Impact Issue 3、Can You Believe It 3、Breaking News English (Easier & Harder)

ビジネスレベル向け:Communicating In Business English 、Business Vocabulary In Use (Intermediate) 、状況に応じたロールプレイ など。
